Tuesday, October 16, 2007

October 16th 2007 -

I came in to work today and realized that I forgot my pill at home... and thought "Shit! how will I make it through the day????" I guess I am fine! But what do I do now ?? do I just skip it? or do I take 2 when I get home ? If I recall correctly the packaging says to "take it as soon as you remember" but that will be at the time I should be taking the second pill.... what do I do???

Pleaes advise....


maggie said...

What I did in that exact same situation was to just take the next one, and keep that one aside for later. I can't recall for sure, but I believe the instructions say to take it when you remember *unless* it's about time for the next dose, in which case to skip it. It also seems like just missing one has very little effect, too, because of how much Chantix is built up in your system with the long-ish half-life that it has. You will be fine ;)

Chris said...

Ditto - I did that (forget) a couple of times and was fine.

MamaFlo said...

I'm a day late here but don't take a double dose, if you forget a dose skip it and take the next dose as prescribed.
Keep going, you are doing great!