Sunday, October 14, 2007

October 14th 2007 - I have not checked in yesterday as I was home and it seems that my daughter (or wife) dropped my laptop at home and broke it.... Therefore I had no means of getting onlie yesterday... but all went ok...

Today is day 7 - Smoke Free - I cannot beleive I am saying it.... 7 days without a cigarette... thats a whole week under my belt now.... and to be honest.... on one hand... I do feel better and breathe better on the other hand I STILL WANT A CIGARETTE.... really badly at times.... you know those peak moments... after dinner... with coffee.... when I see someone else smoking... or as a reward for a completed project.... but I keep hanging in there....and fighting the urge.....

I would like to hear from those who have been in my position and have actually smoked that one cigarette after become a non-smoker..... did it make you want more... or was it nasty and it made it easier to continue without any more bumps in the road???


maggie said...

Hey, Jesse, congrats on that week! The wanting gets less and less overall as you go, so just hang tough! Different people report different experiences having a cigarette once quit ranging from wonderful to nasty, so it really does depend. Usually it's just plain not worth it, especially if it's going to turn into more than one.

MamaFlo said...

Do Not smoke that one cigarette - you have been quit long enough to stay with your quit. Try to understand that you are an addict, and that one cigarette is the beginning of your pack a day (or whatever) habit. Vow each day not to smoke today.

You can do this, you can stay quit!