Friday, September 28, 2007

Day 3 on Chantix

September 28 2007 - Hello everyone and thanks again for the feedback and support! I actually read a few of your blogs last night as I couldnt fall asleep till around 1:30 - and found that Each individual has a different pace and different reaction to Chantix - but the end result of those of you who I did read about, definately put positive thoughts into my head ! And thats Fantastic!

It's 11:30 - took my pill about 20 minutes ago - smoked only 2 cigarettes prior to taking the pill (1 less then yesterday and 3 less then the day before). I am not trying to cut down - its happening on its own, which I find to be absolutely Amazing! I smoked 1/2 a cigarette after a few minutes ago being that I just ate and thats when i get the greatest demand for it... but only half a cigarette cause I started to get a little light headed and dizzy - must be the chantix kicking in.

Yesterday went pretty well... I blogged that I only smoked 12 cigarettes but after I finished my blogging and reading some of your blogs, I still couldnt sleep and I smoked another stogie before I actaully went to bed. So make that 13 for yesterday ! STILL A MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENT considering that I am not really trying to cut down.

By the way I slept pretty well last night - had a nice dream but I cant say that it was anything special affiliated to Chantix.

Well I am done for now - need to get some work done - blog with you soon!


Chris said...

Good for you - it is a major accomplishment. Keep it up and you'll be an ex-smoker in no time. Have a great weekend!

maggie said...

You are very much well on your way, and I'm glad that you've found some of the other Chantix bloggers - even all different, it helped me plenty.